Monday, June 9, 2014

Jude, Today you are Four

Today you are 4.
Four yearrrrrrrsssss old.   And you tell me things like, "Mom, humans and persons we call people.  Except for little guys.  Then we call them honeys or sweeties."
You've made me realize I say honey a lot--when we play make-believe, and you are the mom or dad, I am always "Honey"
Today you love to run nakey in circles 'round the house before bathtime.  You always ask for "nakey time."
Today you still do NOT like to get your eyes wet.
Today you are a great listener and helper.
You get dressed all by yourself--when you are in the mood.  You love to race Leland and I into your jammies.

You like to read the numbers on the clock or on signs when we are out and about.
Today you like to read Fireman Small, Llama Llama, Thomas, and any book about vehicles.
You wake up in the morning and come to my side of the bed and say, "Mooooom, can you please wake up.  I'm starving."  Usually I can get you to go play for a bit.  You'll wonder back into your room, and Dad and I love to listen to you play cars and trains.
If you watch TV, you are in the zone.
You've not napped for a while now.
You'll play play dough for hours.
You love to race around out back on your big wheel or "hot wheel" as you like to say.
You are in full on potty joke mode.
You are also a real negotiator.  With everything.

Today, Lightning McQueen and Disney's Cars still rock your world.
But you've started to really play Duplo Lego blocks.
Today, you have 4-5 freckles across your nose.  Goodness, how I love those freckles.
Today your hair is blonde, and curly, and hey--you have great hair.
You love to sneak into bed with us in the wee hours of the night.  Dad usually complains a little bit, but in the end, we always let you stay.  Our bed feels cozy, yet oh so small with all three of us piled in.  I can't pretend to hate your fluffy blonde hair tickling my face when we share a pillow.  I love it so.

Today you are 4!  You are an inquisitive, happy-go-lucky, loving and lovable guy who is always ready for some more fun.

Jude, today and everyday, we couldn't love you more.

Jude Stats:
Height: 44.5 in (110 %ile? Off the charts)
Weight: 42 lbs 13 oz (90%ile)
BMI 15.2 (~35%ile)

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. Our girl is turning 4 in a few weeks - how do they get so old (while I stay so young)?! Such a nice message for Jude. :)




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