Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hot Topic: Candy all day long

I was asked if there was any way to justify eating candy instead of meals.  SAY WHAT?!?  Hmm, I think this question was more of a joke, but it's still a topic to discuss.

So, this post is dedicated to those who have a serious sweet tooth.

Sadly, there is little nutritional value in sweets.  So, until I develop my million dollar idea of holographic food (all taste, no substance...genius!) we'll have to settle with ways of making our diets healthier, but still sweet and delicious.

Obviously, the best option would be to fill your diet with fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains, and wash that down with a big glass of ice cold water.  However, this isn't always reality.  At least for me, I always like to have something sweet after dinner. The key with curbing your sweet tooth is moderation.  Listed below are ways to check yo-self, before you wreck yo-self.

TIP #1: Substitute the candy for fruit.  Best option.

TIP # 2: Avoid buying the candy.  Cinnamon bears are way more tempting sitting in a pretty jar on your counter than on the shelf at Wal-Mart. 

TIP #3: If you really need your chocolate fix, run to The Sev, and buy an individually sized portion.  Suddenly, your must-have item seems more annoying.  Also, be sure to tell your significant other not to be so obliging if you ask for candy...

TIP #4:  Make the treats yourself.  This way, you control what's in them.  Make cookies using whole wheat flour, applesauce instead of oil, and through in some oatmeal while you're at it. 

TIP #5:  Eat something healthy, along with your sweet.  Eat an apple or veggies with hummus before you eat your licorice.  That way, at least you're getting some nutrition in, and not just empty calories. 

TIP #6:  Phone a friend.  Get your mind off of your sweet tooth by calling someone.  This is a double whammo since it's also rude to eat while talking....(I need to work on this one a bit...).

What about you?  Any other ideas that help keep your diet on a healthy track??


  1. these pics! with a point & shoot?!?! okay, i needed to be freshly reminded of all these little tips and tricks. was it just me or is #2 directly for me?

  2. sunflower seeds! not a substitute for candy, to be sure. but they are delish and keep my mouth busy. and supposedly a high protein snack before bed helps you sleep sounder. food for thought?

  3. oh, and apparently good 'n' plenty enhance other areas? wink, wink. and now you can delete this comment :)

  4. Oh Andie, I KNEW you'd say something to that effect!

  5. MMMM. My My. Who knew what you were doing with your time! Amazing information which I will share with the Ed who helps me in my fight against fat.




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