Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Iceberg Lettuce

Not so recently, this question was posed to me: 

Is there any nutitrional value in iceberg lettuce? Please say yes because it is sooooo tasty. 

Well, my dear friend, I did some light research, and came up with this answer. 

Iceberg lettuce is preferred over other types of lettuce due to its characteristic crispy-crunch.  And although  it's true that most darker greens are richer in nutrients, iceberg lettuce can still be considered healthy choice.

Low in saturated fat and cholesterol (practically none)
Source of iron, vitamin B6, K, A, C, and folate
High in dietary fiber

Lower in vitamin C, A, iron, potassium, and calcium than darker greens.

So yes, iceberg lettuce does hold true to its reputation of being low in nutrition because it ranks last among other types of lettuce.  Yet, mixing greens is a great way of maintaining that moist, crispiness without sacrificing nutrition. Make a salad made with iceberg and romaine and then throw some other veggies into the mix.  This gives the salad a juicy crispness with the powerful antioxidants found in leaf lettuce.

Random tidbit....Crisphead was what iceberg was called originally until the 1920's when transporters began shipping it beneath ice to keep it fresh, which is how it came to be known as Iceberg.

P.S.  Andrea, (if you read this) I know you already know all this since you are a health nut, but I thought I'd give the answer a whirl nonetheless! 

P.P.S.  Interested in being Iceberg Lettuce for Halloween?  Really?  OK, visit here.


  1. k this was some good information! now, i want you to research what kind of nutritional value candy has and how i can justify eating that entirely as my diet. i'll be looking forward to you getting back to me....

  2. i made the blog, i made the blog! yay. and i'm making that pasta, fo sho.

  3. i made the blog, i made the blog! yay. and i'm making that pasta, fo sho.




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