Friday, January 3, 2014

Good-bye Binky

Leland took a binky right from the beginning, but wasn't super attached.  It'd fall out in the night, and he'd sleep through.  Around 4 months or so, he learned how to take it in and out of his mouth all by himself.  And we laughed at how awesome he was.  Still, it wasn't like he cared about it.  Not until he turned about a year, was it like an addiction.  If he saw it, he'd want it.  He'd come up crying to you and just want his bink.  So, then we were like, "OK, only in his crib."  So, then at daycare (I'm told), he'd try and still other babies binkies.  You know, cuz he didn't have his.  Anyway, then around Thanksgiving, we just decided to pull the trigger and get rid of it.  Might as well cuz it would only get harder, right?  It was a long weekend, and we found that Lelo did pretty alright except for his afternoon nap.  When the outside light was bright and filtered through his blackout curtains.  When he was tired, but just needed it to calm down.  Anyway, I caved during those naps and gave the dang thing to him.  Then, that Saturday, we went for a walk to the park with Meisha & Nate, and she gave me the idea to have him watch me throw it away and say bye-bye to it.  Of course!  I really liked this idea, and feel that explaining things to kids, no matter how little, really seems to work.  Anyway, we did it, and he was not happy about it, each day tugging at the garbage cupboards...but it only took about a solid week for him to forget about it all together.  And now, happy to report, we are a binky-free household! 

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