Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jude's 2 week stats

Jude is two weeks old today.  So crazy to think that it was just 14 days ago that I was full-blown pregnant.  In some ways it seems like a lifetime ago.  Yet, each day keeps getting better and better.  Thank goodness!  I think that the first 5 days I was living off of adrenaline alone--and then everything caught up with me.  My body felt quite abused.  I was oh-so-tired.  And I would and could cry at just about anything.  So many times I thought--I just want my mom...Luckily, she was around quite a bit to help and just be there.

But wouldn't you know it, when I was beyond tired, Jude decided to sleep from 11:45 pm to 5 am for two nights in a row!  Funny how 5 hours of sleep can seem like pure heaven.  And what's more, his nursing skills have really improved.  Normally, he would feed for 10 minutes, then fall dead asleep.  Earth to Jude.  Wake up Jude.  I'd spend the next half hour trying to rouse him, and then feed him again for another 10 minutes.  At 4 am, every extra minute feels like ten.  Yet, just in the last couple of days, the whole process has been cut in half.  I swear to you the kid can read my mind...

At two weeks, Jude weighs 9 lb 10 oz (95th percentile) and is 22 inches long (95th percentile).  Weight for Length he's at about the 10th percentile, and his head circumference falls just below the 50th percentile.  Since his weight is above his birth weight and he's an "established breast feeder", our pediatrician gave me the green light to start pumping and give him one bottle a day.  So, that's one more thing I'll have to figure out, but I am looking forward to a little bit of freedom.

Most of the time Jude is still a pretty sleepy little guy, but when he is awake he just looks all around and doesn't fuss much.  And although I have to work for it, he smiles when I talk to him.

Poor guy isn't happy in this shot, but we did manage to get him all cozy in a blanket soon after, and then once again he was fast asleep. 

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