Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Life & Times of Jude: 2 months


  1. its a toss up what i like more- watching the baby or hearing you talk. cute!

  2. Aw, so cute. Wish I had videos like that of my babies...
    We need to have another afternoon together!

  3. great video. Wish we have some like these of you...

  4. Hey Lisa,

    I've had a baby gift for you sitting on my counter for oh, five months? Something like that. Crazy, but true. I don't have your address--where do you want it sent?

    p.s. To answer your question, our dog's name is P., with the period. You see, he came to us originally as a foster dog, and his name was Sherman. So naturally, P. Sherman fit (P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way--"Finding Nemo"), so I started calling him that. Two days later, he became our first dog and the last foster dog we'll probably ever had. P. stuck, Sherman not so much. So we call him P., much to the chagrin of anyone who meets them. I dunno *why* it makes people uncomfortable to say "P.!" out loud. Ha.

    Formally, on vet records and such, he's P. Sherman. But to us, he answer just to P. Or Peedle.




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