Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jude: 2 months

Jude is growin' growing and living up to his reputation that he will be tall and skinny.  At 2 months, he now weighs 14 lb. 7 oz. and is 25 inches long.  Both height and weight are off the charts, falling in the 97th percentile.  Height : weight he falls in the 25th percentile.  And his head circumference falls along 50th percentile.  Basically our doctor told us he's the size of an average 4 month old, which seems about right since he has outgrown all his clothes!  All in all, he seems to be a healthy baby boy.

Jude continues to be a mellow man.  He loves to look all around, and when he fusses, if I just take him outside, he'll calm right down (usually).  Must like hearing the birds and feeling the breeze?  At 2 months, he's more alert and fights off falling asleep if there are distractions (ie, his Dad's stories and laugh).  He's also started to rub his eyes when he's tired.  And he'll usually sleep a 6 hour stretch a couple of times a week, but still working on going to bed when he does so that I get 6 hours of sleep.  In the morning, when we go to get him from his crib, he's usually all smiles and kicks!

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