Thursday, August 5, 2010

White girl can't dance.

Well this video is really just old news...but hell-to-the-yeah to us tech-savvy folks for finally figuring out how to get it uploaded.  Seriously.  You see, I begged Dave to make this video.  I begged him for a whole month!  And then he finished it, and I literally tried to upload it about 80 times, yet each time it would fail.  Argh!!  So, I gave up--but wouldn't you know it, Dave tried uploading it from another location, and BLAMMO!  It worked.  So, here it is, in all its G-rated glory, Jude's Birth Day. So grab a handful of popcorn and enjoy my 7 chins. 


  1. the dialogue made me laugh.
    the video made me cry.
    the experience was unmeasurable.

  2. this made me cry, too. two favorite parts--when whoever is filming makes you laugh and when dave looks over his shoulder at the camera with the happiest smile.

  3. pretty sure I just cried a little bit...




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