Saturday, September 1, 2012

Family Vacay-- Eden, UT

This was back about a month or so.
And, of course, I shoulda/coulda taken more pictures.
I didn't.

Things to remember:
Summer Olympics 2012.  We watched them every night and most lazy mornings.
Jude was a fish.  Found his home on the shores of Pineview Reservoir.  So much so that on the last day he tried "swim" without his floaties.  And he learned real quick what those are for!  
Cruzie's make-believe sessions in the car driving up the mountain, and down the mountain.
Those darn spiral staircases, that of course the kids loved to play with.
Sleepy-times with Jude-Bear.  He'd snuggle in up close all night.  Cute & uncomfortable.
The whole family coming up for golf and a Dave Birthday dinner.
Losing sleep worrying about new-house/closing stuff.  
Gigi waking up early and playing with the kiddos evvvvvery morning.
Mmmm, coffee with cream.
Nature hikes.
The luke-warm hot tub where I could actually soak.  

And now for some pictures...

Our attempts at "group" photo...


  1. those laundry basket pics are the greatest! totally the way billy and i entertained ourselves when we were little :)

  2. Love how you captured the essence of our family vaca. good times. you don't look very pregnant even in July !!!




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